Pacotes Recomendados para Instalação no Linux

Os pacotes e respectivas descrições foram copiados do dselect da distribuição Debian 1.3.1.
Para a instalação dos pacotes descritos abaixo, são requeridos outros pacotes que não estão mencionados aqui. Mas, o dselect vai alertar você sobre isso e você deve instalar esses pacotes requeridos.

Pacotes do LaTeX e companhia

*** Std tex      tetex-base   0.4pl6-5    0.4pl6-5    teTeX library files

teTeX (version 0.4) is a TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems. It replaces the
standard debian TeX distribution.

Together with tetex-bin you have a minimal installation                               

Includes: texlib, latex, mflib, mfbasfnt, bibtex, textfm

*** Std tex      tetex-bin    0.4pl6-8    0.4pl6-8    teTeX binary files

This is teTeX (version 0.4), a TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems. It       
replaces the standard debian TeX distribution.

These are all the binaries for the teTeX system. You need at least tetex-base together
with it.

Includes: ps2pk, dvilj, amstex, dvips, texbin, bibtex, xdvi, makeindex,
          latex, kpathsea, mfbin, amslatex

*** Std tex      tetex-dev    0.4pl6-8    0.4pl6-8    kpathsea.a and include files for teTeX

Custom kpathsea library to build tex binaries for teTeX                               

*** Opt tex      tetex-doc    0.4pl6-1    0.4pl6-1    teTeX documentation                  

This is teTeX (version 0.4), a TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems.          

Documentation for the Debian teTex distribution

Includes: latex2e-doc

*** Opt tex      tetex-extra  0.4pl6-4    0.4pl6-4    teTeX library files                  

teTeX (version 0.4) is a TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems. It replaces the
standard debian TeX distribution.

Together with tetex-bin and tetex-base you have a complete TeX installation.

Includes: texlib, latex, mflib, mfbasfnt, bibtex, textfm

Pacotes de CWEB-LaTeX

*** Opt devel    cweb         3.4g-5      3.4g-5      Knuth's & Levy's C/C++ programming system

CWEB allows you to write documents which can be used simultaneously as C/C++ programs
and/or TeX documentation for them.                                                   

The philosophy behind CWEB is that programmers who want to provide the best possible
documentation for their programs need two things simultaneously: a language like TeX
for formatting, and a language like C for programming. Neither type of language can
provide the best documentation by itself.  But when both are appropriately combined, we
obtain a system that is much more useful than either language separately.

*** Opt devel    cweb-latex   1.1.1-2     1.1.1-2     LaTeX support for CWEB               

This is the distribution of LaTeX CWEB, a bundle that allows you to use LaTeX as the 
documentation markup of your CWEB program. Your CWEB programs may be LaTeX documents 
now -- with sections, subsections, environments, figures, graphics inclusion, etc.

You will want to use this bundle if you                                             
 - are a CWEB programmer and use LaTeX elsewhere,                                  
 - haven't used CWEB up to now, because you wanted structured markup                   
   (and you didn't want to develop it yourself), or                      
 - want an hierarchic document structure for CWEB programs.

Pacotes dos Utilitários

*** Std devel    gcc   The GNU C compiler (ELF version).    

The GNU C compiler is a fairly portable optimizing compiler that supports multiple 
languages.  It includes (runtime) support for C, C++, and Objective C (support for  
Objective C was donated by NeXT).                                                    

*** Std devel    gdb          4.16-6      4.16-6      The GNU Debugger                     

GDB is a source-level debugger, capable of breaking programs at any specific line,   
displaying variable values, and determining where errors occurred. Currently, it works
for C, C++, and Fortran programs. A must-have for any serious programmer.        

*** Std devel    make         3.75-4      3.75-4      The GNU version of the "make" utility

GNU Make is a program that determines which pieces of a large program need to be        
recompiled and issues the commands to recompile them, when necessary. More information
about GNU Make can be found in the `make' Info page.

*** Std editors  emacs        19.34-11    19.34-11    The GNU Emacs editor.

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor.     

*** Opt doc      emacs-lisp-i 1.04-1      1.04-1      Programming in Emacs Lisp: An Introduction

This is an elementary introduction to programming in Emacs Lisp for people who are not
programmers, and who are not necessarily interested in programming, but who do want to
customize or extend their computing environment. Last update: 2 October 1995.

*** Opt doc      glibcdoc     1.92-1      1.92-1      GNU C library Info documentation (edition 0.7 draft).

Documentation extracted from the GNU glibc package.                                   

*** Opt editors  elisp-manual 19-2.4-2    19-2.4-2    Emacs Lisp Reference Manual

The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual covers this programming language in depth,
including data types, control structures, functions, macros, syntax tables, searching
and matching, modes, windows, keymaps, byte compilation, and the operating system

*** Opt editors  emacs-el     19.34-11    19.34-11    GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the
elisp sources for the convenience of users, saving space in the "emacs" package for  
small systems.                                                                   

*** Opt x11      afterstep    1.0-1       1.0-1       A window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and feel.

AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look
and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor.  Note that this    
window manager makes extensive use of the color palette.  If you have only an 8-bit    
color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to
use fewer colors.

AfterStep is a continuation of the BowMan window manager project, but the name was
changed to reflect the desire that it do more than simply emulate and become a valuable
window manager in its own right.
Last modified: Tue Jul 28 00:39:12 EST 1998