

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science (2009-present)

Advisor: Prof. Fabio Kon

DCC - Department of Computer Science IME - Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

University of São Paulo, Brazil 

Current project: Experimental evaluation of agile practices impact on team productivity.

Grantee of: The State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).



MSc. in Computer Science, (2003-2006)

Advisor: Profa. Ana Cristina V. de Melo

DCC - Department of Computer Science IME - Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

University of São Paulo, Brazil   

Master’s project: Classificação Semi-Automática de Componentes Java (Semi-automatic classification of Java components).


BSc. in Computer Science, (1997-2000).

Advisor: Prof. Sergio de Mello Schneider

DEINF - Department of Informatics UFU - Federal University of Uberlandia,Brazil

Project: Sistemas n-camadas: um estudo de caso na indústria (N-tier systems: a case study in industry).


CV: Lattes 

Research areas and interests:

         * Agile methods

                  * Deployment, Assessment, Improvement and Tracking

                  * Metrics

                  * XP and Scrum

         * Experimental Software Engineering

                  * Controlled Experiments, Quasi-experiments, Surveys and Action Research

                  * Quantitative and Qualitative research

                  * Mining Software repositories

         * Software Reuse (past):

                  Component-Based Software Engineering

                  Classification, Storing and Retrieving Software Components

                  Information Retrieving and Semantic Analisys  


Professional activities:

View Claudia Melo's profile on LinkedIn


Affiliations: Distributed Systems Research Group (GSD) - IME-USP



Claudia de Oliveira Melo
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Sao Paulo

claudia (at)