XXIX Stochastic

Processes and

their Applications

ATTENTION: This page was moved (and updated) to SPA - -























The 29th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications is organized under the auspices of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. It will be held from 3 to 9 August, 2003 at the Hotel do Frade e-mail: , Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

(brazilian format)

Scientific Committee:

E. Bothausen (Zurich)
C. Burzdy (Seattle)
P. Ferrari (Sao Paulo)
M. Keane (Amsterdam)
C. Landim (chairman)
M. Ledoux (Toulouse)
S. Olla (Paris)
S. R. S. Varadhan (New York)
O. Zeitouni (Haifa)

Local Committee

C. Landim (IMPA, Rio)
A. Simonis (USP, Sao Paulo)
S. Volchan (PUC-Rio)

Invited Speakers:

A. Bovier (Berlin)
R. Burton (Oregon State University)
C. Burzdy (U. Washington)
P. Ferrari (USP, Sao Paulo)
A. Guionnet (ENS, Lyon)
F. Den Hollander (EURANDOM)
D. Ioffe* (Technion, Haifa)
J. Norris (Cambridge)
H. T. Yau (NYU, New York)
O. Zeitouni (Technion, Haifa)

* To be confirmed

28th Conference in Melbourne