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Fw: World Statistics Congress - IASE Call for Special Topic Sessions, NewDeadline: June 30, 2014


-----Mensagem Original----- From: iddo@research.haifa.ac.il
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 7:00 AM
To: lisbethk@terra.com.br
Subject: World Statistics Congress - IASE Call for Special Topic Sessions, NewDeadline: June 30, 2014

Dear colleague:

IASE, the Int'l Association for Statistical Education, is encouraging you to submit a proposal for a Special Topic Session (STS) for the 60th ISI World Statistics Congress
(WSC) in Rio de Janeiro July 26-31, 2015.
Deadline: extended until 30 June 2014.
Proposals will be evaluated by the WSC60 Local Programme Committee (LPC), decisions by
September 2014.
IASE is encouraging proposals on a range of topics related to the learning, teaching, use, or improvement of understanding of statistics and probability in diverse contexts, both by professionals, workers, managers, school pupils, university students, teachers, and the general public. Special Topic Sessions are an important component of the scientific programme of the WSC. Proposals for STS can be submitted by individual members of the IASE and other ISI Associations, Committees, or from outside institutions and

*HOW TO SUBMIT* : online at: www.isi2015.ibge.gov.br. Use the "Submission System" option on the left-side menu. If you have already registered with this system, use your username and password to login. If not, use the option given to create an account to register for
the first time.

*WHAT TO INCLUDE* : An STS proposal should include the following (you will have to paste
these components onto the website-based form):
1. TITLE: up to 30 words (but much shorter is better!)
2. DESCRIPTION: up to 3000 characters (including spaces - about 30-35 text lines). Explain the focus of the proposed session, justify the topic (why it should be of interest to WSC participants, what is innovative or useful about it, etc) and sketch briefly the proposed content/papers/structure. At this stage an abstract for each paper is not required 3. SESSION LENGTH: Choose between 70 or 100 or 120 minutes. Session composition should fit the requested length in terms of the number of papers included, assuming 20-25 minutes per paper + extra time for other session components (opening, closing, general discussion,
4. CONTACT INFORMATION: submit contact details and affiliation of all persons proposed for the session: Organizer, Chair, Presenters, Discussant (optional). To maximize diversity, the same person cannot be the (oral) presenter of more than one paper at WSC60, and cannot
be both a chair and presenter/discussant in the same session.

*PROPOSAL PLANNING* : There is a limited number of slots, so only high-quality proposals will be selected. There will be more 100-minute session slots, so we suggest to aim for that. The use of Discussants may not be needed for most sessions dealing with technical topics. A Discussant should be a part of an STS only if it would really benefit from it. Sessions that include speakers from different countries will be given preference. *CONSULTATION WITH IASE* : Those wanting informal feedback on their proposal in order to improve their quality and fit with IASE sponsorship are encouraged to submit details and ideas by 15-June-2014 to Bruno de Sousa, the IASE representative for WSC60: *<bruno.desousa@fpce.uc.pt>*. We will do our best to provide quick feedback. Afterwards, it is your responsibility to submit the full revised proposal to the WSC60 Local Program
Committee via the website as explained above by 30-June-2014.
Persons who already submitted a proposal for an Invited Paper session will be notified soon by the WSC60 Scientific Committee regarding their status, and if not accepted will be
encouraged to re-submit it as an STS to the LPC.

-- ICOTS9 is approaching in July 2014! see the website of the International Conference on
Teaching Statistics, http://icots.net/9, for details and updates.
-- Keep your eyes open for a separate announcement coming soon regarding the special 2-day IASE Satellite conference to be held just before WSC60 in a different section of Rio on
July 24-25, 2014.
-- By Feb 2015: submit to WSC60 proposals for individual contributed papers and posters.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Iddo Gal, PhD
President, Int'l Association for Statistical Education, IASE
Chair, Department of Human Services
University of Haifa, 31905 Haifa, Israel
E-mail: iddo@research.haifa.ac.il