Siang Wun Song

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* Relics of IME
* Magic: discover 6 cards from a 52-card deck knowing the 6 colors based on the De Bruijn Sequence (.pdf - 10 pages)

Department of
Computer Science

Institute of Mathematics
and Statistics

Siang Wun Song

Ph.D. (Comp. Sci.) - Carnegie Mellon University

University of São Paulo (USP)
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME)
Department of Computer Science

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Universidade de São Paulo/IME
Rua do Matão, 1010
CEP 05508-090 São Paulo, SP
Telephone: +55 11 3091 6141 and 6135
Fax: +55 11 38144135

Note: Thanks to Francisco Reverbel, author of the SIDAM Project homepage, on which this page is based.