The Geometry Research Group at IME USP

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Mini-curso: Pós Graduação do Programa do Mat-IME-USP.


Orbifolds, reflection groups, aspherical manifolds


Prof:Professor Michael Davis (Ohio State Universityniv, EUA)

Organized by:

Prof. Claudio Gorodski.

Date and place:

May:  12, 14, 16, 19 and  21  at 14h

Description: There is a classical theory of groups generated by reflections on the classical spaces of constant curvature:   for each dimension n, we have the n-sphere, Euclidean n-space and hyperbolic n-space.  The underlying group of such a reflection group is a "Coxeter group."  This is a fairly general notion, meaning only that the group is generated by involutions and that it has a presentation of a certain form.  Although very few Coxeter groups arise from the classical geometries, it turns out that any Coxeter group can be realized as a reflection group acting properly and cocompactly on a certain  contractible cell complex.  Gromov and Moussong showed that this cell complex has a natural polyhedral metric of nonpositive curvature so that the W-action is by isometries.  The construction of the cell complex and similar spaces has been used to provide many interesting examples of aspherical manifolds.  Papers on these topics as well as slides from previous talks can be found at the following link - >