TOMIO KIKUCHI was Born in Japan in 1926, and came to Brazil in 1955
with a strong purpose of self-realization and social transformation. Since then, he is
developing and spreading a vitalizing and evolutionary educational process that is based
on the simultaneously education of thinking, feeling and will by the practice of 
self-control of mental and physical nutrition, breath and movement. 

Aware of the precarious condition of modern human life and convict of the impossibility of
the existence of a potent individuality without a competent society, Kikuchi is progressively
developing an educational process because of the necessity of survival and because of his
compromise with the evolution with solidarity. Without any kind of discriminatory prejudice,
be it ethnic, mystical, political or sexual, and without profit aims, this educational system
is formed by the Unifying Principle Institute, Musso Community School, Satori Nutrition
school, Aikido Mussubi Academy and Musso Publications Editor. Professor Kikuchi is
currently on a campaign to establish a fundamental school (7-10 years old) already
having the legal authorization of the Brazilian Education Ministry. 

Arriving at Brazilian lands with almost thirty years, Kikuchi had to face the difficult barrier of
learning a foreign language. Today, however, 47 years later, he is the immigrant of Japanese
origin with the biggest number of works published in Portuguese. He wrote more than 44 books that answer from the most fundamental questions to the human existence like nutrition, control
of health/sickness and sexuality, to the most complex doubts of sentimental and spiritual
character. Responsibly avoiding both tecnicism and mysticism, Kikuchi is a rare author
who manages to focus the universal essence of the millenary extreme-oriental culture,
making it accessible, practical, useful by any person, anywhere. Different from most who
by ignorance or opportunism, go to the orientalism and the lucrative exploitation of the
folklore, exotism and mystification. 

With the repercussion of his activities and his knowledge spread by publications of
international circulation, Kikuchi is, gradatively, being nationally and internationally
recognized as thinker, educator and strategist of first order. 

Professor Kikuchi has been closely following the last world events aware of the importance
of this historical moment to the determination of strategies and processes that allowed
both the individuals and the communities an evolutionary survival facing the conflicts
humanity is now confronting. In this sense, he developed during the last years an exhaustive
program of seminars, conferences and conversations with leaders in the countries of
Occidental Europe, Eastern Europe and ex-USSR, as well as Japan, USA and Cuba. 

In the first semester of 1997, during the period of 11 march to 6 April, he did a trip to confirm
the focus of the occidental historical potency, visiting Lisbon, Rome, Catania, Siracusa,
Acuradina, Atenas, Peloponeso, Esparta, Telavive, Jerusalem, Monte Sinai and Paris. And
recently, on the March 25th, 1998, in recognition of the benefits he has been providing to
the Brazilian people and specially, the people of the capital of São Paulo, Professor
Kikuchi was consecrated with the title of  “Paulistano Citizen”, the most important honoraria
given by the Municipal Chamber of São Paulo. 
In Latin America, there are already centers of studies and activities by his orientation in the
majority of capitals of countries and in almost all Brazilian States. 

Among his works published in Brazil, the most popular are: 

· “SURIVAL AND HUMAN DESTINY. – Sobrevivência e Destino Humano”. 
· “SELFCONTROLTHERAPY – Homeostatic Transformation by the Independent Treatment.
– Autocontroleterapia – Transformação Homeostática pelo Tratamento Independente”. 
Universal e Essência do Extremo Oriente”. 
· “STRATEGY FOR LIFE. – Estratégia para a Vida”. 
· “TRIDIMENSIONAL FOCALIZATION – Focalização Tridimensional”. 
· “TERNARY SIMULTENEITY – Simultaneidade Ternária”. 
· “KEYS TO SURVIVAL – Chaves para a Sobrevivência”. 
· “COMPETITIVE HOPE – Esperança Competitiva”. 
· “NATURE, much more powerful then God – Natureza, muito mais poderosa do que
· “STRATEGY, never will sickness, poverty and war end – Estratégia, nunca acabarão a
doença, a miséria e a guerra”. 
· “RYTHMPRACTICE, movement transformatory of the human destiny – Ritmoprática,
movimentação transformadora do Destino Humano”. 

Some of this material have been translated to English, French, Italian, Tcheck, German
and Spanish. Two books are available in English and Spanish: 

· “Absolute Relativity and Microbiotics”. 
· “Rhythmpractice”. 

BERNADETTE KIKUCHI: Together with her husband, she has progressively participated of the
Lifelong Self-Education activity, as well as the spreading of the Unifying Principle related to
nutrition giving courses and speeches. Her book “Fundamental Art of Life – Arte
Fundamental da Vida”, the result of 24 years of experience in the integration of traditional
and modern food, is a basic and indispensable work to the biological and spiritual
education of men. 

She was a disciple of Georges Oshawa and Madam Lima na “maison ignoramus” (mansion
of the ignorant). During that period, she got the first place on a spreading competition, in
Japan, of the educational activity directed by Oshawa.